Yeah.... to me that song always had a lonely empty kind of vibe to it.
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin to make his way home?
anyone remember being all in?
getting a weird feeling listening to this song?
wondering if you were somehow being worldly or sinning letting it play when it was on the radio?.
Yeah.... to me that song always had a lonely empty kind of vibe to it.
What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin to make his way home?
she was very active in the 1970's then kind of faded away.
i remember her mostly as "weezy" on 'the jeffersons' but she also played the mother 'mrs.
evans' on 'good times'.
You're right. It's been a long time since i've seen an episode.Dubois played Helen Willis that lived across the hall.
Yeah and since we're just making stuff up, let's not forget she also played the part of the "The Fonz" on "Happy Days" and First Officer Spock on Star Trek. She used to attend the same Kingdom Hall as I did back in the 70's.
a guy i was great friend with in my teens 'phoned me out of the blue today, and brought back a lot of fond memories, he was df'd, because he was a very naughty boy lol, but as he said, as is common with a lot of us exes, he took a long time to grow up.
he spoke of my parents, who despite being jw's, were lovely people, they took him in to our home when his mum was in hospital for some weeks, he also spoke of the good times we had as kids, and how his parents were good to him, and made him what he is today despite being jw's.. we sometimes do not give credit where it is due, my parents made me a lover of truth, but it is real truth i espouse now of course.. perhaps this kind of view of our upbringing is more positive than concentrating on all the downsides of what is basically an evil cult ?
looking at the (very few) positives can perhaps help us heal ?.
I agree...there were positive things about growing up JW however I think I could have received those same positive experiences had I been part of any organization that offers a framework to build your life around.
Even those who grew up in abusive homes, are able to look back at certain aspects of their childhood with fondness. Compared to the bad things they experienced, the good times seemed especially good.
I don't want the JW's to go away. I want their members to be free to ask questions and disagree with certain teachings if they choose to. I want them to be free to conduct their private lives as they see fit and not have the religions leaders intervene unless they are asked to.
disclaimer: this article has some broad generalizations that will have exceptions to what is stated.
this is the only way i can even attempt to address the topic.
i've looked for scholarly articles published on peer reviewed journals for years.
Those who are prone to depression and anxiety or obsessive compulsive behavior, often turn to religion. Those who are raised as JW's or somehow become involved with JW's on their own, hear what's being said from the platform and in the literature much differently than someone in a heathy mental state.
When there is talk about Armageddon and the New System, the mental filters of the one afflicted with anxiety and or depression, often causes them to focus on the "Armageddon/Tribulation" aspect rather than the "Living forever in Paradise" aspect. Often they are filled with anxiety about their own or their loved ones ability to physically and emotionally survive Armageddon and/or being found worthy enough to be included in the New System.
They will either loose hope, give up on themselves and begin engaging in unhealthy (sinful) behavior or they'll become overly strict with themselves and those around them. In order to quiet the overwhelming fear and unworthiness they feel, they'll often become overly zealous and immerse themselves in the religion, underlining paragraphs, applying scriptures to every situation, Pioneering at the expense of their own financial or physical health. Often this is followed by a crash, when they become exhausted.
Unfortunately, unlike other religious groups, JW's encourage over the top zealous service. Sacrificing all, for the cause is seen as admirable. Sometimes those who have a more realistic view of the religion are seen as spiritually weak.
Their leaders aren't trained to recognize the symptoms of mental illness, nor are they inclined to direct someone in need, to professional help. Unlike other churches in their community (that they despise), they don't partner with local mental health care organizations. As JW's, the magical thinking that keeps them in the religion, also leads them to believe that scriptural advice and faith in God is the answer to everything. Because they are prone to legalism, they are on the lookout for sin rather than mental illness and the actions of those who are mentally ill are often disciplined in their hour of need instead of directed to the help.
(Don't even get me started on the toll "hope when delayed" takes on otherwise mentally healthy folks.)
if a jw had the nerve to ask me this question, i'd say to them, "you go first.
using only scriptural proof, show me why you believe that the wtbts/ccojw is god's choice and i'll tell you if i agree with your scriptural reasoning.".
wait for the silence and the rabbit in the headlights moment.. i searched on the wt cd rom for references of "channel of communication.".
"Do you believe that the "faithful slave" is God's channel of communication?"
Not until I got Internet access, logged on to JWdot Org and confirmed that it's true.
what were some of yours?
the big one in our hall was no frontal hugs!
these were generally thought of as inappropriate, only side hugs should be given between sisters and brothers.
Two door cars and cars with wide tires and custom wheels (mine) were frowned upon.
No meeting with friends to study next Sundays Watchtower.
It's ok to ask someone why they weren't at the last meeting or haven't been seen in service lately.
It's ok for a kid (me) to come home and watch re-runs on TV but he can't be on the school swimming team because it would expose him to worldly influence.
JW boys (me) have to stand along the wall of the gym watching because they're not allowed to participate in wrestling in their P.E.class because their Presiding Overseer (who's son didn't want to wrestle) came to school with his green bible to show the gym teacher how it says that Christians don't need to learn to fight.
she was very active in the 1970's then kind of faded away.
i remember her mostly as "weezy" on 'the jeffersons' but she also played the mother 'mrs.
evans' on 'good times'.
Ja'Net was on "Good times" rather than on the Jeffersons but she wrote (and sang) the Jeffersons themes song "Movin' on up'" as a promise to her mother regarding how things would be when she (Ja'Net )became famous.
I think Florence, the Jeffersons maid was played by Marla Gibbs.
so i am sure if you are at bethel and have the flu you just get time or what ever to recover, but what about serious sickness.
say you get cancer or some possible terminal illness?
what happens?.
What happens to Bethel members who get sick?
When I was at Bethel they used to make their own ink and their own soap. I always wondered what it was made out of.
brilliant video by a friend of ours in exposing watchtower & the new temple farms/chelmsford branch. .
Sometimes depending upon the interest rate and fees that a money lender is charging, it's smarter to get a loan rather than to use your own money if your own money is getting a good return on what it's currently invested in.
I don't see a problem with that.
In the video it sounds as if she's saying that the lender can call in the loan at any time and demand repayment and repossess the properties if Watchtower can't pay up. I doubt that is the case. It's not as if J.P Morgan is some kind of Loan Shark. By law a fixed repayment date and a repayment schedule over a set period of time would have been established in advance and the fees and interest to be paid and was known upfront.
It's long been known that for legal reasons, the Watchtower is divided up into different entities that handle certain aspects of the organization such as real estate development and these entities must be classified as such rather than classified under something that sounds more religious or biblical to the average layman.
No new scandal here as far as I can see and I don't quite understand why these folks who are digging into Watchtower behind the scenes, seem utterly delighted when they find something questionable, rather than saddened, disappointed or concerned for their JW friends and family. They seem determined and delighted to use even the most feeble bit of information as evidence of wrongdoing.
To me, the original question still remains. Why does it take so much money to get the message of the Bible out there when everyone is a volunteer?
If 8 million JW's donated a mere 1 dollar per month they'd have 96 million dollars a year coming in. If each of those JW's spent a mere 1 hour a month preaching, there would be 96 million hours a year spent spreading the word.
We know that most JW's donate much more than 1 dollar a month and spend more than 1 hour a month in preaching. Why isn't that enough money to get the word out....why has it taken so long....where is the money going?
my wife and i have always shared naked photos respectfully over the years.
being the only thing to fill that void in our relationship due to being apart.
recently my wife has become jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while i am away.
Recently my wife has become Jehovah, and we’re not sure if my wife is allowed to respectfully share herself with me while I am away.
If she gets caught, she could wind up on the cover of Disfellowshipped ! magazine.